Guide to Searching
A guide to searching for library resources
Guide to Searching: The Basics
The purpose of this guide is to offer tips and techniques for efficiently finding information and resources within the library's expanding collections of eBooks, eJournals, and Streaming Videos.
Library databases and discovery interfaces share similar structures and features. Therefore, mastering the search process in one database will enable you to apply these skills to other databases as well.
In this section we will go over the following:
Choosing Where to Search
Students, faculty and staff have a few different options when it comes to deciding where to start their search as there are 2 separate libraries available to patrons!
Patrons have access to Latourette Library and Digital Theological Library. Depending on what institution you are affiliated with, either William Carey International University or Providence Christian College, will dictate what options you may choose from.
William Carey International University patrons have access to Latourette Library and Digital Theological Library
Providence Christian College patrons have access to Latourette Library and Digital Theological Library Open Access.
What is the different between Latourette Library and Digital Theological Library?
Latourette Library
Latourette Library is a shared library between WCIU and Providence. Both institutions have access to EBSCO through Latourrette Library but only Providence has access to the physical collection located on Providence campus. And both WCIU and Providence have access to the physical collection at the Ralph D. Winter Research Center so long as they can physically go to the research center.
NOTE: Despite the fact that not everyone has access to all of these depending on your institution and where you are physically located, all of these resources can be search for in Latourette Library’s WorldCat Discovery. Because of this it is important to understand how to properly search WorldCat Discovery. For information on how to do this, visit the Using WorldCat Discovery section of this guide!
Digital Theological Library
DTL is a library that is separate from Latourette Library and requires a membership in order to have full access to its resources. Since it is separate from Latourette Library, you cannot search for its resources in Latourette Library’s WorldCat Discovery. Instead, you much search for DTL’s resources directly through their website. For more information on DTL, visit our DTL page!
NOTE: WCIU is a member of DTL however Providence is not. With that being said Providence is still able to make use of DTL Open Access!
WorldCat Discovery or Databases
WorldCat Discovery
WorldCat Discovery is the search tool found on the home pages of both Latourette Library and DTL. It is an excellent starting point for research because it searches across multiple collections simultaneously. Please note that you need to search Latourette Library’s and DTL’s WorldCat Discovery separately. For information on how search through WorldCat Discovery, visit the Using WorldCat Discovery section of this guide!
While WorldCat Discovery is a great starting point, it does have limitations:
It has limited advanced searching capabilities
Due to the way that searching works, you may receive a long list of irrelevant results
Using library databases is an excellent option for more in-depth research or finding specialized information. Databases can be multidisciplinary or focused on specific subject areas like Theology, Education, Business, and more.
Watch the video by University of Michigan Library that explains what a database is, why you should use one, how it is different than searching for resources on the internet and the 2 main types of databases
Tutorial: What is a Library Database and Why Should I Use One? - umnLibraries
Identifying Main Concepts
Now we are going to go over choosing keywords for your search. Assuming you have a research topic, you will need to break this down into key concepts. The concepts will later be turned into your search strategy.
Example research topic and Key Concepts breakdown:
A good research topic typically contains 2-4 concepts.
Less than 2 will produce too many irrelevant results
More than 4 is too specific and will limit your result list
Databases cannot handle sentences or long phrases and will typically result in no or disappointing results.
Identifying Keywords
Databases are word for word matches, so if the author uses a different term from the one you are using, the item will not show up in your result list.
Because of this, it is important to identify key terms that have the same or related meaning of your initial key concept. Basically, you need to locate synonyms or related terms. It may help to ask yourself, "What other words could the author use to describe this concept?”
A list of additional key terms can include:
Spelling Variations
Acronyms (remember that you must spell out acronyms as well!)
Narrower terms
Broader terms
Provide specific examples of a generalized term
Example research topic and Key Concepts breakdown with related terms:
Creating a search strategy - University of Arizona Libraries
Creating the Search Strategy
There are 2 primary ways you can create your search strategy.
Nesting: This refers to the use of parentheses in order to organize a search strategy. An example of this would be:
(NGOs OR “Save the Children” OR “Doctors without Borders”) AND (Education OR learning OR school) AND (“Third World Countries” OR “Developing country” OR “Underdeveloped Nation”)
As you can see each key concept and its related terms are housed in parenthesis and separated by the Boolean Operator AND.
Advanced Search: This refers to the use of an Advanced Search function that the majority of databases and searching platforms come with. This allows you to break up each key concept with their related terms into separate boxes. An example of this would be:
Now that you have key concepts and key terms for each concept, it’s time to connect them into a search strategy. This is done using Boolean Operators and advanced searching techniques. For indept information on each of these, visit their sections in this guide!
Evaluating Searches and Search Strategies
When starting your research, remember that your initial searches are based on a guess of how the author described the topic. Your goal is to match your keywords to theirs. Steps you can take for creating the most effective search strategies include:
Run exploratory searches: Use different keywords from your list.
Browse your results: Click on titles to read abstracts in most databases.
Find relevant articles.
Check for subject headings: Databases often assign subject headings to articles, which indicate the main topics. Use these headings in your searches if they match your concepts.
Identify additional keywords: Look in the details or abstracts of relevant articles for more keywords or subject headings.
Revise your searches: Evaluate your results and refine your keywords or use subject headings based on what you find.
Setting Up the Search
Start broad: Begin with wide searches and then narrow down after identifying the best keywords/subject headings. Focus on two core concepts first.
Use multiple search boxes: Enter each core concept separately. If you don't see individual search boxes, use the Advanced Search option.
Refining Searches
If you get too few or too many results, refine your searches:
Too many results?
Use more specific terms.
Add more keywords to refine the search.
Apply limiters like date or subject.
Avoid using OR, which broadens the search.
Specify where to search (title, subject field).
Narrow your topic focus.
Too few results?
Try a specialized database.
Broaden your topic.
Use broader or related terms.
Use fewer keywords initially and add more as needed.
Remove some limiters to expand the search.
Check your spelling.
Use OR with synonyms.
Utilize wildcard (?) or truncation (*) to include variations of your search terms.

Boolean searching is a technique that enhances your search efficiency by using operators such as AND, OR, and NOT. Using Boolean operators strategically can significantly improve the relevance and precision of your search results in library databases.
In this section we will explore how to use and provide examples of the Boolean operators:
Boolean Searching
Online Research: Tips for Effective Search Strategies - Sarah Clark
Use AND to connect two or more concepts. In many, but not all, databases, the AND is implied.
Narrows your search
Retrieve less results
Results will contain both concepts however they may not be connected together in the way that you want.
refugees AND education
refugees education
Result list will include items that include both refugees and education
Use OR to connect two or more similar concepts. In other words, use OR to connect your synonyms and related terms.
Broadens your search
Retrieve more results
Not all results will contain both concepts
“Third World Countries” OR “Developing country”
“Third world Country” “Developing country
Result list can include both or either third world country or developing country
Use NOT to exclude terms from your search, helping to filter out unwanted results. NOTE: If you use the NOT Boolean operator, any desired terms will be excluded from your results if the unwanted term appears in an article
Narrows your search
religion NOT Judaism
religion Judaism
Result list will include items the contain religion but not Judaism
Advanced Searching Techniques
To maximize the effectiveness of your research, it's essential to use advanced database searching techniques. These methods help you refine your searches, making it easier to find the most relevant information. Below, you'll find key strategies like Phrase Searching, Truncation and Wildcards, Field Codes, and Proximity Indicators that can significantly enhance your search precision and efficiency.
In this section we will be doing over some of the most commonly used options such as:
Phrase Searching
Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase. This ensures the database retrieves results where the words appear together in the specified order.
“Urban development”
“Third world country”
Always use phrase searching with non-indexed databases and search engines like Google.
While it is helpful to use phrase searching in indexed databases such as the databases found in ProQuest, be careful as some databases phrase searching may disable automatic mapping options, resulting in only articles/resources containing the exact phrase, potentially missing other relevant items on the same topic.
Be aware that some databases may ignore quoted phrases if they contain "stop words" (e.g., of, the, in, etc.).
Phrase searching - Fielding Librarian
Truncation and Wildcards
Truncation allows you to search for multiple word variations by using a symbol, often an asterisk, at the root of a word.
Asterisk ( * ) - Used to replace one or more characters, generally at the end of the word; Some databases permit the asterisk in the middle of a word
educat* will retrieve results for "educate," "education," "educational"
teen* will retrieve results for “teen,” “teenage,” “teenager”
Wildcards replace a single character within a word, useful for finding different spellings. The question mark (?) is commonly used. However, this could technically very depending on the database you are using.
"wom?n" will retrieve results for both "woman" and "women"
“ne?t” will retrieve results for "neat," "nest," or "next"
Wildcard and Truncation Advanced Searching Tutorial - occclibary
Field Codes
All databases utilize Field Codes, which enable you to search specific parts of a citation and restrict your search to particular terms. To find these options, check the Advanced Search section or look for drop-down menus.
Field codes can include Title, Author, Abstract, Keyword, Subject, Date, ISSN, Acquisition number, etc.
Many databases use two-letter codes for these fields (e.g., TI, AU, AB, KW, SU); check your search format to identify these codes.
Navigation menus on the search results page often use field codes to refine searches.
Note that not all field codes available in a database can be used in a search strategy.
Database Tips: Search Field Selection - PNW Library
Proximity Indicators
Proximity Indicators are used by some databases to allow searches to find two concepts that are close together or next to each other. This section will go over the most common indicators, NEAR, Within and Adjacent to.
Proximity searching - QUT Library
NEAR: The two concepts are within a specified distance to each other (often 5-15 words), either before or after.
Some databases allow you to set this distance, while others have a default setting that you can adjust. For instance, ProQuest uses a default distance of 4 words unless specified otherwise. Additionally, the method to indicate this proximity varies by database. In ProQuest, you use the word "NEAR," while in EBSCO, you use "N" followed by the desired number of words (e.g., N4).
Search Query in ProQuest: "climate change NEAR policies"
This query will return results where "climate change" appears within 4 words of "policies" in any order, because ProQuest uses a default proximity of 4 words unless specified otherwise.
In the results this could look like, “climate change policies,” or “the policies around climate change.”
Within: This proximity indicator works in the exact same way as NEAR.
Depending on the database that you are searching in, the within indicator may look differently however the most common is “W” followed by the desired number of words (e.g., W4).
Adjacent to: Two concepts are next to each other in any order
In a search strategy, this indicator looks like ADJ.
Search Query: Walter ADJ Brueggemann
This will provide results for Walter Bruggemann and Bruggeman, Walter

Using WorldCat Discovery
WorldCat Discovery is an online tool or catalog that helps you find books, articles, and other resources from WCIU and Providence libraries as well as libraries around the world.
NOTE: Both Latourette Library and Digital Theological Library uses WorldCat Discovery so the information in the guide is relevant to both libraries.
Below, you will find how to search for items in WorldCat Discovery and Tutorial videos that will enhance your understanding of WorldCat Discovery functionality.
A brief look at WorldCat Discovery - OCLC Training
How to Search for Resources
When Using WorldCat Discovery, you can search by typing in your title, subject, keyword, author, etc. into the search bar.
This method is the most effective if you only have 1 concept or you are looking for something specific such as a book and you have the title. Watch the video Search Techniques in WorldCat Discovery for an overview of how to search for relevant materials in the platform.
Search techniques in WorldCat Discovery - OCLC Training
Advanced Search
If you have more than 1 concept, it is recommended that you use the Advanced Search function. This can be located right under the WorldCat Discovery search bar at both Latourette Library and DTL. For information on how to format your search strategy using the Advanced Search function visit the Creating the Search Strategy section of this guide.
When using the Advanced Search technique, play close attention to the Search Index (field codes) and the Operators as they have a drastic effect on how your results will look.
For more information on field codes and operators, visit the Boolean Searching the Advanced Searching Techniques sections within this guide.
Advanced searches in WorldCat Discovery - OCLC Training
After a search has been made, you will be presented with a list of filters to the left side of the page. These filters will allow you to narrow your result list based on your needs.
While the majority of the filters may be clicked based on your needs, it is important to pay close attention to some filters based on what library you are searching in (Latourette Library or DTL)
In both cases, the filter “Held by Library” should always have either Latourette Library or DTL clicked. If “Libraries Worldwide is clicked, then you will receive results of items not available to you.
Filter search results in WorldCat Discovery - OCLC Training
Item Details
When you locate a resource in WorldCat Discovery that you would like to read or view, you may view that resources details by clicking on the title. By doing so, you open the item record for that resource.
Opening an item record allows you to:
Find ways to access that item
Let’s you know if the item is physical or digital
view bibliographic details
Report inaccurate or broken link
Interpret the Item Details In WorldCat Discovery - OCLC Training
Saving Items
You can save resources of interest in WorldCat Discovery in order to view them later without needing to search for the item again.
You do so by simply clicking on the button in to top right corner of an item record that has a star and says “Save”
In order for the items to be saved indefinitely, you must be logged into your library account. If you do not log in, your saved items will disappear the moment you exit the library.
NOTE: Patrons of DTL do not have personal library accounts and therefore saving items in DTL’s WorldCat Discovery cannot be saved indefinitely!