Welcome to Latourette Library

What are you looking for?

  • eBooks can be located by searching through EBSCO, DTL 2 and DTL Open Access.

    DTL 2 and EBSCO can be accessed by WCIU students. PCC students may access EBSCO and DTL Open Access.

  • Physical books can be located by searching the catalog.

    NOTE: Physical items are available for those who can physically visit the RDW Research Center or PCC. If you are unable to be be on site, please search for eBooks via EBSCO.

  • Scholarly, Newspaper, and magazine articles may be located via DTL 2 and DTL Open Access.

    DTL 2 and EBSCO can be accessed by WCIU students. PCC students may access EBSCO and DTL Open Access.

  • Our library guides, video tutorials, and FAQ page are self-help resources designed to assist you in navigating library services, accessing digital materials, and enhancing your research skills anytime, anywhere.

  • You can book a meeting with a librarian by clicking here!

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